Monday, November 15, 2010

2010年3月23日法案頒布/ Upon enactment March 23, 2010

2010年3月23日法案頒布/ Upon enactment March 23, 2010
自動投保流程- 員工人數超過200人的雇主,必須在任何新進全職員工符合承保資格時,盡快未其投保,而員工不得選擇不參加承保。Automatic enrollment* process - Employers with more than 200 employees must
automatically enroll all new full-time employees as soon as they are eligible for
coverage, and employees may opt out of coverage.

2010年3月23日法案頒布後90天/ 90 days following enactment on March 23, 2010

•退休人員暫時再保方案/Temporary retiree reinsurance program
•高分險分攤/High risk pool

2010年9月23日當天或之後/ On or after September 23, 2010 

成人子女承保上限為26歲/Adult children coverage to age 26
年度上限僅適用非基本福利(待定義)/Annual limits only allowed on non-essential benefits (to be defined)
基本福利不得規定終身上線/No lifetime limits on essential benefits
不得有未滿19歲計畫參加者的寄有病況排除規定/ No pre-existing condition exclusions for enrollees under age 19
不得撤銷承保(主要針對個人承保及小型團體承保)No rescissions (primarily individual and small group coverage)
特定預防照護享有全額承保/ First dollar coverage for certain defined preventive care**
須有外部上訴流程/ External appeal process required**
不歧視規則擴大適用於被保計畫/ Non-discrimination rules extended to insured plans**
急診服務不需事先授權/ 視為網絡內治療/Emergency services without prior authorization/treated as in-network**
可選擇子女的小兒科醫師為其主治醫師/ Child's pediatrician may be chosen as the primary care physician**
女性可選擇其產科/婦科醫師,不需轉介或事先授權/A woman can choose her OB-GYN without referral or preauthorization**

2011年1月1日/ January 1, 2011

• 除非是醫師開立處方,否則不透過FSA補償非處方藥費用/No reimbursement through the FSA for over-the-counter drugs unless prescribed
• W-2表格申報福利價值 (適用與2011繳稅年度相關且於2102發給的W-2表格)/ Form W-2 reporting of value of benefits (for W-2 issued in January 2012 with
respect to tax year 2011)
• 提高非醫療HSA提款的罰則(從20% 調升為30%)/Increased penalty for non-medical HSA withdrawals (from 20 to 30 percent)

2012年3月23日/ March 23, 2012

• 統一的承保說明/ Uniform explanation of coverage

• 寄發篇幅為四頁的投保前承保說明文件,概述說明福利和排除規定/ 4 page pre-enrollment coverage document sent outlining benefits and exclusions
• 重大修改前60天的通知/60-day notice in advance of material modifications

2013年1月1日/ March 1, 2013

提升高所得者的Medicare稅/ Medicare tax increase for high-earners
退銷人員要物補助無減免/ No deduction for retiree drug subsidy
薪資扣除健保FSA提撥最高限額(上限為美金2500元)/ Cap on salary reduction health FSA contributions ($2,500 limit)
比較效益費(於2012年11月30日後終止的保單年度)/ Comparative effectiveness fee (policy years ending after November 30, 2012)

2013年3月1日/ March 1, 2013

• 有關保險交易機構的雇主通知/ Employer notification regarding exchanges

2014年1月1日/ January 1, 2014

各州設置的保險交易機構/ State-based exchanges
投機者罰款/Free rider penalty
禁止規定既有病況排除項目/No pre-existing condition exclusions
雇主承保證明/ Employer certification of coverage
提高保健方案獎勵(從20% to 30%)/ Increased wellness program incentives (from 20% to 30%)
個人強制險/Individual mandate
自由選擇憑證/ Free choice vouchers
禁止規定年度上限/ No annual limits
對危及生命疾病的臨床試驗必須提供承保/ Required coverage for clinical trials for life-threatening diseases
等待期間最長90天/90-day limit on waiting periods
退休人員再保方案終止(如尚有剩餘資金)Retiree reinsurance program ends if money has not already run out

Thursday, October 14, 2010



上個月,一通來自康州的電話讓我難過了好久,一位年輕時跟我一起住在康州,與我年紀相仿的朋友突然腦溢血驟逝,震驚的同時也讓我重新思考了人生的意義。俗話說,"天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福" "不怕一萬,只怕萬一",我們生活在世界上,除了健康問題之外, 有太多意料之外的事情可能隨時發生,威脅到我們的生命安全,可能讓我們家人的生活失去保障。

因為做保險的關係,常常有朋友打電話來問我,要買怎樣的人壽保險才能保障家人的生活,經過這次事件,我越來越體認到人壽保險的重要,也花時間研究了市面上的許多人壽保險方案,其中一項人壽保險,R.O.P Term價格合理,且最快10年後還可以領回所有保費,便宜又有保障,所以推薦身邊的朋友購買,希望朋友及家人在面對意外事件的時候,能夠有足夠的財務保障。


我的e-mail 是: ,電話是:510-573-6888 (台國語皆可)

祝 身體健康 事業順利

韓中芬 Joan Chang

Friday, October 8, 2010

Medicare 聯邦老年醫療保險計畫 2011 年申請準備要開始了!

Dear Friends:

My name is Joan.
If you are over 65 years old,I can help you with Medicare supplement.
Please give me a call you need help!

Office TEL: 510-573-6888 e-mail:


我是醫療保險顧問韓中芬,又到了一年一度申請Medicare的時間, 2011年的Medicare申請時間是11月15日至12月31日,如果您已經年滿六十五歲,已經有Part A及Part B,想要更好的醫療保障,您可以找我申請Part C及Part D及其他更好的Medicare保險。

因為Part A及Part B保障範圍有限,並不包含長期照護. 牙醫. 中醫. 聽力醫療等範圍,我強烈建議您購買更有保障的Part C及Part D,可獲得處方藥. 特殊慢性病. 糖尿病. 心臟病. 新血管疾病等保障, 如果您想了解自己居住地區今年的保費金額,或對Medicare保險相關問題(包含醫療保障額, 藥物補助)有疑問,請跟我聯絡,我將盡力協助您!

我的e-mail 是: ,電話是:510-573-6888 (台國語皆可)

祝 健康快樂

韓中芬 Joan Chang

PS. 如果您不瞭解 Losing PFFS, Medicare Supplement, Freedom Blue, 0 Premium, Medicare Advantage, medicare solutions 及 Medicare Plans或其他與Medicare相關的名詞,我也很樂意幫您解說!

Saturday, August 7, 2010






*從2010年3月23日後投保者,至2011年1月1日,可以享受免費健康檢查, 包括:驗血,預防針,大腸鏡(須滿50歲)等等.尚未投保者,應該趕快加入.


Health Reform

Latest news and updates link

Extension of dependent coverage until age 26
Reinsurance for early retiree plans
New rules for enrollees with pre-existing conditions
Changes to lifetime or annual limits on "essential health benefits"
Coverage of preventive health services
Health & Human Services (HHS) consumer website launches
New rescission rules
Details on "grandfathered" health plans

Detail for Extension of dependent coverage until age 26
Extension of dependent coverage until age 26 As part of the new federal health reform law, dependents have the option of staying on their parents’ group or family health plan until age 26, regardless of student, residency, employment or marital status. Prior to the new legislation, health plans commonly imposed an age limit of 23 years old for dependents who were full-time students and 19 years old for dependents who were not full-time students.The law states that this new provision must go into effect on September 23, 2010 for group plans and January 1, 2011 for individual and family plans. However, Blue Shield of California chose to implement this provision early for its members. On June 1, 2010, Blue Shield began allowing dependents who would have previously "aged-off" of their parents’ plan to remain on that plan regardless of student status, up to age 26. Dependents who reached 26 years of age on or before May 31, 2010 or were dis-enrolled because of their student status, may re-enroll when their parents re-enroll at open enrollment for an effective date on or after the September 23, 2010 or their parents renew their individual plan effective January 1, 2011 . For ASO and custom groups, this maximum age may vary by contract, but may only be higher than 26.The only eligibility requirement, other than age, is that the dependent must be a child of the covered parent. For example:Subscriber enrolled through his/her employer: A son turned 23 years old in May 2010 and was dis-enrolled from his parent’s plan. The son may now re-enroll on his parent’s plan at the next plan renewal on or after September 23, 2010 (in this scenario, May 2011).Subscriber enrolled through an Individual and Family Plan (IFP): A son turned 23 years old in May 2010 and was dis-enrolled from his parent’s plan. The son may now re-enroll on his parent’s plan on January 1, 2011. NOTE: for an IFP plan, any dependents that "aged-off" only have a 30-day time period from January 1, 2011 through January 31, 2011 to re-enroll. Once this time period is completed, normal Blue Shield of California Underwriting policies will be enforced.Remind groups of the option to re-enroll dependents up to age 26Group members will be allowed to re-enroll covered dependents up to age 26 for any renewals on or after October 1, 2010. Members must act fast since re-enrollment is not automatic. Please remind your clients when you are talking about renewals. Blue Shield will be providing groups with a sample notices to be given to their employees at open enrollment.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Michelle Chang Graduated

Graduate Dean's List Award

Congratulation Michelle.



Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Anthem Blue Cross藍十字將新推出兩項保費低廉醫療保險計畫

專業保險經紀 韓中芬Joan Chang 與藍十字區域行銷經理 Patrick Houghton 熱忱為各界提供健保服務

保費年年上漲,正值許多人失業,保費昂貴要實在令人無法負擔!這是很多保險人現在所面臨的問題。『韓中芬保險事務所』特別介紹兩項Anthem Blue Cross藍十字新推出的保險優惠計畫包括 ” Clear Protection “ and “ Core Guard “對保費負擔沉重著,將有相當助益。

Clear Protection – 保費低廉並可享有每年前二次門診只需 $40 掛號費 / 無需扣除額的優惠承保六個月之後,年度健康檢查只需付 $25或 $75無需扣除額但要到Anthem Blue Cross 的特約檢查中心,若是選擇$3,300和 $5,000的扣除額,投保人將享有二年鎖定保費的優惠。

Core Guard – 保費相當低,是專門為只想保預防重大疾病的緊急事故的人所設計。保險人在付滿扣除額之後將負擔50% 的醫療費用, 直到付滿年度最高自付額這項計畫扣除額的選擇$750 $1500 $2500 提供多種 $3,500 、 $5,000 、$7,500 。

親愛的朋友!若是面臨保費上漲又不知該如何選擇保險計畫,請致電來510-573-6888 JC Health Insurance Service 我們將為您找到一個又實惠又理想的保險計畫 。同時可上網直接申請。 click on quote ( start now )
另外從4月1日起,Anthem Blue Cross藍十字將新推出更優惠,涵蓋周全的『Premier 』醫療保險計畫,歡迎洽詢。

Friday, February 5, 2010

NEW PLAN from Anthem Blue Cross ClearProtection

Anthem Blue Cross have a new plan call CLEARPROTECTION

This plan offers a valuable combination of affordable coverage with some immediate benefits, plus a broad range of benefits once the out-or-pocket maximum is met.

If you're looking for a lower-cost plan with immediate coverage for some doctors visits and long-term coverage for other benefits you may need, ClearProtection could be the right plan for you. ClearProtection offers three deductibles and moderate cost-sharing helps lower your monthly premiums. Prescription drug coverage is included, with varying levels of copay or coinsurance depending on the particular drug. Maternity benefits are not included with this plan. ClearProtedction offers up to $4 million per member in lifetime benefits.

Friday, January 29, 2010


韓中芬保險團隊Ann Fang; Joan Chang; Carol Chao熱誠為您服務






1.保本Principal Guaranteed:在金融衰退、危機股市及各種負面因素如何都不影響您原有的本金。


3. Profits Locked in: 100%年金加上紅利、累積複利等等多重增值福利。

4.﹝1﹞ 終生保証收入Guaranteed Lifetime Income: 本金加上紅利及S&P 500;NASDA 100 等所產生的指數百分比計算的收益,均為終生保証的收入。

詳細內容可電510-573-6888或手機510-579-9534,網站:, 可直接上網申請『國際學生保險』及『健康保險』『人壽保險』
也可e-mail: or chungfen@comcast.net查詢相關資訊。

Sunday, January 10, 2010



李昌鈺教授Dr. Henry Lee

Re-union with Dr. Lee (right) at JAACUC 01/09/2010

非常高興能在加州碰見李教授,老師還是跟1988年一樣沒什麼變,我們呢?胖了也老了些。自從我先生Bill Chang畢業離開康州至今都沒有機會與老師會面,今日相見,老師幾乎不記得我們了。不知道師母是否還記得?


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Women's Workshop 媽媽教室

朋友們你們一定不相信竟然有人扯韓中芬後腿。實在太沒水準了,像我這樣的小Agent. 竟然看不得我登報做廣告還扯我後腿說這個不能登那個也不能登‧奇怪了有一些Agent登了沒事為何我不行。現在知道了為什麼
魔鬼就在左右不可犯錯禱告在禱告不可陷入圈套。Thanks God, becuase you I am OK.
期待星期五的相會。不知道可有朋友想參加我們可以Carpool. Call me I will drive.
HI, Friend, e-mail me back, so that we can carpool.