Thursday, December 31, 2009


Only Eight hours left in 2009.
2010 is around the corner. :) HAPPY NEW YEAR.
I am thinking about how to make 2010 a better year than 2009. The new year is a great time to review the past and plan for the future. What was achieved in 2009 AND what is your new years resolution? I am thinking about More Online businessses for Health Insurance and to lose weight. What is yours? Working Harder and making more money?
Happy New Year!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!

Joan Chang

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Discount Drug Plan

Discount Drug plan
Hope this helps.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Part D information

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans in Northern CA.

Blue Cross MedicareRx Standard ( PDP) $28.40 a month; $310 Annual Deductible
Blud Cross MedicareRx Plus ( PDP) $42.10 a month; $0 Deductible
Blue Cross MedicareRx Gold (PDP) $78.50 a month; $0 Deductible

Blue Shield Medicare Rx Plan (PDP) $46.40 a month; $310 Annual Deductible
Blue Shield Medicare Rx Enhanced Plan (PDP) $51.00 a month; $0 Deductible

Health net Orange Option 1 (PDP) $28.40 a month; $310 Annual Deductible
Health Net Orange Iption 2 (PDP) $64.60 a month; $0 Deductible

AARP MedicareRx Saver (PDP) $37.30 a month; $310 Annual Deductible
AARP MedicareRx Preferred (PDP) $37.60 a month; $0 Deductible
AARP MedicareRx Enhanced (PDP) $86.20 a month; $0 Deductible

Friday, December 11, 2009


自從11月15日耆英保險轉換期開始至今已有許多客戶問同樣的問題. 真的不要月費嗎?


在舊金山地區$0月費的有以下公司-Anthem Blue Cross 及AARP/MedicareComplete by SecureHorizons
這兩家公司都是很好的Insurance Company 詳情請打電話給 韓中芬. 我一定可以幫助您

Freedom Blue Plan I $0 月費
Primary care Visit $15; Specialist Visit $35; Ambulance Service $175; Deductible $500 including Drug plan
AARP/MedicareComplete $0 月費
Primary Care Visit $5; Specialist Visit $10; Ambulance Service $150; NO Deductible including Drug plan
Health Net Healthy Heart Plan $79月費
Primary Care Visit $10; Specialist Visit $10; Ambulance Service $180; NO Deductible including Drug plan

以下是各公司的價錢表及資料在Alameda County 地區
Freedom Blue Plan I $0 月費
Primary care Visit $15; Specialist Visit $35; Ambulance Service $175; Deductible $500 including Drug plan
AARP/MedicareComplete $75月費
Primary Care Visit $10; Specialist Visit $15; Ambulance Service $150; NO Deductible including Drug plan
Health Net Healthy Heart Plan $129月費
Primary Care Visit $10; Specialist Visit $20; Ambulance Service $180; NO Deductible including Drug plan

打電話給 韓中芬
JC Health Insurance Services

Tel: (510) 573-6888
Fax: (510) 438-9047
Cell: (510) 579-9534

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Day in Walmart

Thanks Anthem Blue Cross provide me the chance to present the Medicare product at Walmart.
One of our new friend Walter came by and asking the Part D plan. Follwings are the plan informations,
1. Blue Cross MedicareRx Standard (PDP) $28.40 monthly premium $310 in-Network yearly Deductible.
2. Blue Cross MedicareRx Plus ( PDP) $42.10 monthly premium $0 in-network deductible
3. Blue Cross MedicareRx Gold ( PDP) $78.50 monthly premium $0 in-network deductible
information please visit the web:
Here is also the AARP/MedicareRx plans insured through UnitedHealthcare,
1. AARP MedicareRx Saver (PDP) $37.30 monthly premium $310 annual deductible
2. AARP MedicareRx Preferred ( PDP) $37.60 monthly premium $0 annual deductible
3. AARP MedicareRx Enhanced (PDP) $86.20 monthly premium $0 annual deductible
information please visit the web:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pacific Guardian LifeAccumulator 7儲值保險計畫

韓中芬保險事務所推薦「Accumulator 7儲值保險計畫」終身受惠 保險服務項目廣泛、經驗豐富的「韓中芬保險事務所」,目前為灣區僑胞推薦一項由「保泰安人壽保險公司Pacific Guardian Life」提供、相當優惠的終身人壽保險計畫--「Accumulator 7儲值保險計畫」,該計畫繳滿七年保費後終身受保,非常划算,歡迎詢詳。韓中芬保險公司專業保險經紀人(Broker)韓中芬,擁有多項保險執照,思慮敏銳,專精各大型保險公司所提供新的優惠保險計畫,包括有:住家、醫療、商業、汽車、人壽、餐館等各種優質保險服務。該公司並擅長評估每個人或公司不同的實際條件,來挑選最適當的保險計畫,倍受各界肯定。保泰安人壽保險公司亞裔部市場經理Angela表示,「保泰安人壽保險公司Pacific Guardian Life」係明冶人壽集團的子公司,是A.M. Best評等為A的優等公司,財力堅實。韓中芬則指出,保泰安人壽保險公司所提供的「Accumulator 7儲值保險計劃」,條款優惠、實在,只需繳七年保費,則可終身投保,保障至121歲止,並有現金儲蓄、保額累增的功能,好處相當多,歡迎各界選用或詢問細節。韓中芬保險事務所服務電話510-573-6888,手機510-579-9534,亦歡迎上網站www.e-healthagent.com查看各項保險優惠。

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2010 Freedom Blue Plan I (RPPO) $0 月費

Blue Cross's Medicare Advantage $0 月費.
11/15/09 開始申請
2010 Freedom Blue Plan I (RPPO) $0 月費包括藥including part D Prescription drug Coverage.
TEL: 510-573-6888
Cell: 510-579-9534
Fax: 510-438-9047

2010 Medicare Advantage $0 月費

2010 Freedom Blue Plan I (RPPO) $0 月費
2010 Freedom Blue Plus (RPPO) $31月費
2010 Freedom Blue Classic (RPPO) $0月費

Primary Care Physician Visits 醫生看診
Plan I $15
Plus $10
Classic $15
Physician Specialist Visits 專科醫生看診
Plan I $25
Plus $25
Classic $30
Lab X-Ray-Professional Setting 專業服務醫療檢驗
Plan I $15
Plus $10
Classic $10
X 光檢驗
Plan I $25
Plus $25
Classic $30

Annual Plan Deductible 年度扣除額 $500
Policy annual Maximum out of pocket 最高年度自付扣除額 $3,350

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

AARP耆英健保計劃 及 Part D 藥物保險

耆英健保計劃 及 Part D 藥物保險 
AARP Medicare Supplement &
AARP/MedicareComplete from SecureHorizons
自11月15日到12月31日一年一度的老人耆英健保及藥物保險Part D新換期. 時間有限.
請打電話給韓中芬 510-573-6888
Part D藥物保險 from AARP/MedicarRx Plans

AARP MedicareRx Saver
AARP MedicareRx Preferred
AARP MedicareRx Enhanced
Monthly Premium
Annual Deductible
Tier 1 Copay
Tier 2 Copay
Tier 3 Copay
Specialty Tier

耆英健保計劃 及 Part D 藥物保險 AAPR

耆英健保計劃及 Part D 藥物保險 
AARP Medicare Supplement &
AARP/MedicareComplete from SecureHorizons
自11月15日到12月31日一年一度的老人耆英健保及藥物保險Part D新換期. 時間有限.
請打電話給韓中芬 510-573-6888
Part D藥物保險 from AARP/MedicarRx Plans

AARP MedicareRx Saver
AARP MedicareRx Preferred
AARP MedicareRx Enhanced
Monthly Premium
Annual Deductible
Tier 1 Copay
Tier 2 Copay
Tier 3 Copay
Specialty Tier

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


JC Health Insurance Service in Fremont offers a great selection of insurance packages. Please call to find out more.
我們的使命在提供高品質的客戶服務。成為我們保險的客戶。您會有一個擁有豐富保險知識的專員隨侍在側。 當您對您的保險計劃或是理賠等有問題,或是您想瞭解有關保險的複雜問題,我們的專業人士會在全程的每 一步驟上幫助您。 最低的保費我們提供何種類型的服務? 我們是一個全面性的保險經紀公司並且代理所有各類全面性的計劃,不論是您的家庭,個人和商業保險,我們會量身訂做適合您的計劃 ,我們的產品如下:汽車保險: 碰撞險,綜合險,玻璃損壞險,責任險,人體傷害險,醫療險,拖吊租車險,無保險碰撞險商業保險: 意外險,產物險以及一般的責任險 健康保險: 個人及團體保險,傷殘,疾病和意外保險,住院保險和主要的醫療保險 房屋保險: 火險,責任險,偷竊險和地震險 人壽保險: 延稅退休年金,定期保險,多樣性人壽保險,和終身人壽保險 勞工保險: 工作傷害保險

Saturday, July 25, 2009

韓中芬保險事務所 專業醫療保險

July 18, 2009 08:54 PM

保險專家韓中芬Joan(左)與UnitedHealthCare健保公司亞裔部市場經理William Yu。slideshow
韓中芬保險事務所專業保險經紀韓中芬指出,UHC公司保險的PPO Plan的驗血(Lab.)及照X光 (X Ray) 的費用是不用算在扣除額內的,這點對廣大員工來說是最好的。因為做過體檢的人士都瞭解,大部分保險公司的醫療保險計畫,對於檢驗室及照X光費用,均計算到個人扣除額部份,需自行負擔。UHC公司雖然保費略多些,但物超所值。
另外,特別有關Medicare方面的醫療保險:Secure Horizon by United Health Care零月費,只要您繼續持有Part B保險,即可享有更多保障,可預算的自付額,可自由選擇醫生和醫院 (衹要該醫生或醫院接受這項計畫)。
關於UHC保險公司小團體保險或Medicare Advantage (老人保險)醫療計劃的更多優細節,可電韓中芬Joan Chang510-573-6888,網站;。

Sunday, July 12, 2009

SecureHorizons $0 Monthly Health Plan by UnitedHealthcare

Picture is William Yu with me in the meeting.

* $0 monthly health plan premium available when you continue to pay your Part B premium.

*More coverage than Original Medicare, with predictable copays for doctor and hospital visits and no deductibles.

* Freedom to see any doctor or hospital that accepts the plan's terms and conditions.

* Part D covreage for thousands of brand name and generic prescription drugs.

* More than 60,000 local and national pharmacies that accept our prescription drug plan.

* An annual medical out-of-pocket maximum helps you budget for your health care expenses.

* No networks to navigate or referrals to obtain when you seek treatment.

* 24-hour NurseLine services.
Picture is William Yu with me in the meeting.

Friday, July 10, 2009

2009 Medicare premium rate & coinsurance

Medicare Premiums for 2009:
Part A: (Hospital Insurance) Premium
Most people do not pay a monthly Part A premium because they or a spouse has 40 or more quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
The Part A premium is $244.00 per month for people having 30-39 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
The Part A premium is $443.00 per month for people who are not otherwise eligible for premium-free hospital insurance and have less than 30 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
Part B: (Medical Insurance) Premium
$96.40 per month*
Medicare Deductible and Coinsurance Amounts for 2009:
Part A: (pays for inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility, and some home health care) For each benefit period Medicare pays all covered costs except the Medicare Part A deductible (2009 = $1,068) during the first 60 days and coinsurance amounts for hospital stays that last beyond 60 days and no more than 150 days.
For each benefit period you pay:
A total of $1,068 for a hospital stay of 1-60 days.
$267 per day for days 61-90 of a hospital stay.
$534 per day for days 91-150 of a hospital stay (Lifetime Reserve Days).
All costs for each day beyond 150 days
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance
$133.50 per day for days 21 through 100 each benefit period.
Part B: (covers Medicare eligible physician services, outpatient hospital services, certain home health services, durable medical equipment)
$135.00 per year. (Note: You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for services after you meet the $135.00 deductible.)
Additional information about the Medicare premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance rates for 2009 is available in the September 19, 2008 Fact Sheet titled, "CMS Announces Medicare Premiums, Deductibles for 2009" on the website.
*Note: If your income is above $85,000 (single) or $170,000 (married couple), then your Medicare Part B premium may be higher than $96.40 per month. For additional details, see our FAQ titled: " Medicare Part B Monthly Premiums in 2009"

UnitedHealthcare Small Group & SecureHorizons meeting

I am grateful that I had joined today's meeting that hosted by UnitedHealthcare. It remind me that the premium is not the only criteria in chosing a right medical insurance plan, product quality and coverage are important as well.

Most of my customer are based on the premium to make their decision in purchasing health insurance, today, I would like to show to them the importance of a product quaulity.

For example, when you do the Lab or Xray with a UnitedHealthcase PPO plan there is no deductible, the Rehab services is covered by the co-pay, whic with other types of plan might had cost you. Moreover, there are NO balance billing for ER, Anesthesiology pathology and all other services.

UnitedHealthcare also introduce to us the SecureHorizons plan, which is $0 monthly premium HealthPlan for Senior ($0 monthly health plan premium available when you continue to pay your Part B premium ).

Thank you Rachel for this good news for us.

Monday, July 6, 2009

韓中芬保險事務所 母親節遊園會

May 07, 2009 10:13 PM 102 觀看次數 0 0

該事務所專業保險專家韓中芬,特別推薦一種優惠的留美學生醫療保險計劃,可瀏覽 (中文)或 (英文)網站查看各種詳細、實用的保險資訊,也可在該網上購買自己想要的保險,省錢、簡單又方便。
如有各項保險問題或疑慮,可電510-573-6888,傳真:510-438-9047,通訊地址:P.O. Box 3566, Fremont CA 94539。

(2/17/09) 美國美國復甦與再投資法ARRA 可補助或延長您失業時的COBRA福利

失業的員工,雖然可以繼續購買前公司的健康保險COBRA或Cal-COBRA,但是員工得完全自行支付保險費,雇主不再分擔,因此COBRA健康保險成為失業員工一項沉 重的負擔。

好消息是,2009年2月17日奧巴馬總統簽署了美國美國復甦與再投資法(ARRA) ,其中包含了一項新的COBRA補助計劃,此計劃適用於65歲以下的失業員工。

新條款對於選擇COBRA健保的人提供以下改善的補助計畫: (1)從2008年9月1日到2009年12月31日之間失業的員工,在前9個月COBRA保費可享有65%的政府補助;(2)原先在離職60天內必須選擇加入或不加入COBRA的期限,現在已延長至120天;(3)假如因為60天內沒付保險費而失去COBRA保險,將可以有第二個60天的期限,選擇從新加入COBRA健保。


韓中芬 為你找到適合的保險


美國政府規定,留學生入學時需要購買醫療保險,該費用通常會包括在學校的學費跟生活費裡面,但是這種保險通常有一定的理賠範圍和理賠限額,有些疾病可能將無法獲得理賠。另外加買保障更完整的「留美學生醫療保險」(Study USA-HealthCare Insurance)計畫,提供疾病與意外傷害醫療費用保險,是涵蓋更周全的保障!此項醫療保險保費特廉:年齡24歲以內,每月39元起。適用於:(1)外國學生來美留學;(2)在美國註冊的學生到美國以外的國家留學。


如果您已經在美國加州留學,對自己的保險有疑問,或有其他相關問題,可直接電話連絡:510-573-6888,傳真:510-438-9047,通訊地址:P.O. Box 3566, Fremont, CA 94539。